Below is simple point and click overhead action game. I followed along a great tutorial that showed me many great concepts such as ray casting within Unity for player movement / targeting, creating simple AI scripts to make the enemy engage with you and chase you around, using the cinematic camera within Unity, making the player run over an item to pick it up and drop it when you run over a different one, animation in Unity, and much more. This has been an ongoing lesson for me as there is much to learn.

To move, simply point your cursor at a part of the screen and click to make the character run there. Running over a weapon will pick it up, and you will drop whatever you previously had equipped. For best framerate, Edge and Firefox seem to work quite well again, and there are no FPS issues on a typical, non WebGl build. Due to the save system (provided for personal use by a tutorial maker, not of my design), you will likely need to clear your cookies to restart.

This is for personal use / experimentation only and not distribution.